How Can A Student Pass?

It is no fault of a student if he fails because a year has only 365 days.
  • Saturdays-52 Saturday in all year (Saturday is meant for rest). We have now 313 days.
  • Summer holidays-45 days (weather is very hot and so it is difficult to study) only 268 days are left.
  • 8 hours daily sleep means 122days in a year leaving 146 days for studies.
  • 1 hour daily for playing (it’s good of health) comes to 15 days leaving 131 days.
  • 1 hour daily for food and other works. Balance 30 days and 101 days remaining.
  • 1 hour for talking as “Man is a social being!” 15 days, balance 86 days.
  • Examination days leave and winter months at least 11 days, leaving 75 days.
  • Other festivals including Dashain, Tihar 25 days, leaving 50 days.
  • For sickness at least 5 days balance 45 days.
  • Movies at least 5 days in a year, balance 40 days.
  • Annual functions and other sports day 10 days remaining 30 days.
  • Visiting different places 10 days, leaving 20days.
  • Morning walk at least 1 hour a day, days gone 15 days and remaining 5 days.
  • Going market at least 15 minutes in a day then 4 days a year, balance 1 day.
  • Only 1 day is left and that is for the annual picnic with our teachers. Tell us where is the time to study so as to come out with flying colours?
